Wilwood PolyMatrix Brake Pad Set with B Compound (WB15B-7264K)
Suit Billet Dynalite/Radial Mount &DynaproWB15B-7264K - polymatrix pad set dynapro
Suit Billet Dynalite/Radial Mount & Dynapro
Part Number: WB15B-7264K
Race ONLY compound is a value priced, proven workhorse for most weekly category asphalt late models, sprints, modifieds, and sportsman divisions.
Hard braking dirt late models, DIRT modifieds, and rear inboard sprint brakes with vented iron or steel rotors.
SCCA club racers, rally, and auto-cross.
High MPH drag cars if high end fade occurs with lower temperature pads.
Tradition al favorite for asphalt LM's, modifieds, and sprints.
Modifieds, late models, and other hard braking dirt applications.
Intermed iate weight road course, auto-cross, rally.
Beds easily and fully compatible with all iron and steel.